
List of Zentech Projects
Choose Zentech for your best-in-class engineering services. We stand by our services and stay involved with our projects. Zentech continues to deliver world-class engineering solutions, with a 40-year record of excellence. View a representative list of Zentech’s recent projects below.

Mobil Refinery
Summary: The project was involved in the design of Mooring and Berthing Dolphins for loading and unloading of tankers. Additions to dock facilities were designed including the pile foundations and dock structure. The design calculations were in compliance with OCIMF criteria.
Project: Mobil Refinery in Port Arthur, Texas

Trinity Drydock
Summary: Mooring Spuds have been designed to work with the dry dock carrying 39,700 DWT tanker with a design wind speed of 90 knots.
Project: Mooring Spud Design for Trinity Drydock, Texas

Summary: Mooring tower was designed to secure FSO and shuttle tanker in 85 ft water depth for the Corocoro field development in Venezuela. Time domain simulation was performed to determine the hydrodynamic loads due to coupled multiple floating bodies. Monopile, three pile and four pile concepts were investigated. The tower was located in severe earthquake zone and the ground motion loads were included in the design of the non-linear link connecting the tower and the FSO. Risers and pipelines connecting to the tower were designed.
Project: ConocoPhillips in Veneauela

Summary: The project involved several jacket structures in water depths of about 15 to 30 m. These structures are: one Loading Platform, 4 Berthing Dolphins, 6 Mooring Dolphins and 5 Trestle Bridge Supports. The project was for Kiewit Engineering.
Project: Canaport LNG Terminal Project at Canaport, Saint John, NB Canada

Abu Dhabi
Summary: The project involved in the design of mooring system to hold floating security barrier in place under the impact loads of small craft trying to breach the barrier. The barrier is made of segments interconnected with locking modules, long gate for the entry of the vessels, supported by shore anchors. Non-linear time domain analysis was performed to study the dissipation of impact energy through global deformations.
Project: Vessel Exclusion Barrier in Abu Dhabi

BPZ Energy
Summary: The study included determination of the mooring system to hold 25,000 to 80,000 DWT tankers in 59 m water depth using OCIMF criteria.
Project: BPZ Corvina Field in Peru

New Orleans
Summary: During widening of Huey Long Bridge, false-works are used for the erection of bridge trusses. The tasks involved included the design of protection barrier from impact of a runaway barge. A structure consisting of barges, sectional barges and piles were designed to absorb the energy through plastic deformations.
Project: Shoring Tower Protection in New Orleans, Louisana

National Drilling Company
Summary: Upgrade Engineering & Design
Project: Jackup Rig Al Yasat, Diyina & Yemilah Upgrade

Summary: Mooring Software Solution (ZenMAS™)
Project: Tahiti Spar

Summary: Mooring Software Solution (ZenMAS™)
Project: Genesis Spar

BP Chemicals
Summary: Mooring Software Solution (ZenMAS™)
Project: Horn Mountain

Millennium Offshore Services
Summary: Stability Analyses
Project: Jackup Rig Ahmed, Jackup Rig Deema, Jackup Rig Leen, Jackup Rig Marinia, Jackup Rig Trident 1